Group Course

The Polished Professional™

Embark on an extraordinary journey to personal and professional excellence with The Polished Professional – An Onward Journey to Excellence, an eight-module series of masterclasses like no other.
The polished professional

The British School of Excellence
is accredited by:

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Course overview

This accredited programme promises to unlock your full potential and equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Upon completing all eight modules, you will receive a certificate from the CPD Standards Office in the UK and an ILM (Institute of Leadership) Certificate, part of City & Guilds in the UK, validating your commitment to lifelong learning and development. On completion of each module, you will receive a certificate of attendance from The British School of Excellence.

Each module offers a unique opportunity for growth and transformation, led by experts in their respective fields. From exploring life’s purpose to mastering professional presence and confidence, you’ll gain invaluable insights and skills that will set you apart in your personal and professional life.

The masterclasses cover a wide range of essential topics, including image consulting, professional etiquette, public speaking, emotional intelligence, and dining etiquette. You’ll learn to communicate effectively, build meaningful relationships, and exude confidence in any situation.

Don’t miss this chance to invest in yourself and take the next step towards becoming a polished professional. Join us on this exhilarating journey, and let’s unlock your full potential together! Sign up now and secure your spot in this life-changing programme.

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This live online course will set you on the road to success by equipping you with all the etiquette and business excellence skills you need to thrive in both your professional and personal life.

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Student Testimonial

"It has been a little over a year since I enrolled on the Polished Professional. Since that time my financial return on investment is over 16,500%. If this course was a stock, then it would be on the front page of every newspaper."

You will learn the following while attending the 8-module live online programme

Live participation with delegates; networking opportunities: break-out rooms, activities: daily course materials;  bonus materials; guest speakers and plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

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In this inspiring and thought-provoking two-hour interactive masterclass, participants will embark on a philosophical journey to explore the fundamental question of life’s purpose from a diverse range of perspectives.

Guided by a group of extraordinary individuals, including business executives, professors, tribal elders, people with diverse life experiences, philosophers, teachers, and Everest Summiteers, students will gain insights into the intricate tapestry of human purpose. Additionally, you will connect with peers from around the world, to gain a global perspective on this profound question.

Course Objectives: By the end of this masterclass, students will:

  • Understand the concept of purpose and its significance in your life
  • Identify and articulate your core values and their role in shaping your purpose.
  • Develop a methodology for your personal growth, wisdom, and knowledge cultivation that can benefit both yourself and your communities
  • Explore the sources of personal fulfilment, well-being, and success, and understand your significance in your life’s journey.
  • Define your legacy and create a plan for living a well-lived life based on your unique philosophy.

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: August 27, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295


Book Module 1 Now


Philip july 18 b small 1 | the polished professional™ | the british school of excellence

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and exude unwavering confidence in every aspect of your professional journey? Have you ever felt like self-doubt is the only thing standing between you and your dreams? Do you yearn to command attention in meetings, shine at networking events, and effortlessly connect with others both personally and professionally? Are you eager to seize control of that critical first impression, ensuring it leaves an indelible mark of positivity?

In the world of business and beyond, your initial impression is your golden ticket, your one shot at making an unforgettable mark. It’s your chance to etch your name in the annals of success. If you’re yearning to elevate your professional presence and wield the power of effective communication, our confidence-boosting course is your secret weapon. It’s the catalyst for personal and professional growth that you simply can’t afford to miss. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a future where your confidence knows no bounds

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: September 3, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295

During Philip’s Master Class, you will learn how to:

Prepare for an exhilarating journey of personal and professional transformation in our exclusive two-hour masterclass. Here, you’ll unlock the keys to not just surviving but thriving in the competitive landscape of your career. Discover the art of crafting an indelible first impression and gain the unwavering confidence to navigate even the trickiest professional terrains with ease.

It is a dynamic, interactive group experience designed to hone your skills through hands-on exercises, immersive role-plays, high-energy breakout sessions, and collaborative team activities. Get ready to immerse yourself in a learning environment like no other, where your personal and professional growth takes centre stage. Join us now, and let’s embark on this exhilarating journey towards your full potential!

Course objectives:

  • Take Control of Your First Impression: Learn strategies to actively shape your initial impression, ensuring it reflects a positive and professional image.
  • Network Effectively and Build Rapport: Master the art of networking by developing techniques to establish genuine connections with clients, colleagues, and prospects.
  • Polished Language Skills: Enhance your communication by refining your language skills, enabling you to articulate thoughts effectively and write professional emails that leave a lasting impression.
  • Personal Presentation and Body Language: Discover how to convey the right message through your personal presentation, body language, and posture, projecting confidence and competence.
  • Create a Memorable Elevator Pitch: Craft and deliver an elevator pitch that captures attention, showcases your value, and makes a memorable impact in brief encounters.
  • Confident Interview and Meeting Communication: Speak confidently in interviews and business meetings, commanding attention and effectively conveying your ideas, resulting in increased influence and impact.
  • Composure in Difficult Situations: Develop composure and confidence when facing challenging situations, ensuring you can approach them with a level head and the ability to navigate them successfully.


Book Module 2 Now


Katie chittenden

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: September 10, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295


During Katie’s Masterclass you will learn:

Why Is Image and Style important?

  • Create more confidence in oneself

  • First impressions count – we are our own brand

  • Stand out for the right reasons

  • Create a sustainable wardrobe

  • Save time

Basic Colour analysis

  • The 6 dominant colour types

  • The importance of a neutral

  • What colour says about you, (black is unapproachable, red can mean warning)

Basic Style Personality

  • The 6 style personalities for men and women

  • Express your personality

  • Dressing for the right event using the 6 style personalities

Body Shapes

  • Brief overview of the different body shapes

  • The importance of scale and fabric choice


Book Module 3 Now


The 3 c's of successful networking

Attending this Masterclass is your essential step towards professional success. In today’s competitive world, your ability to make a memorable first impression is paramount, and this course will equip you with the skills to confidently greet and engage in small talk, ensuring you stand out in any setting.

Moreover, you’ll master the often-overlooked art of remembering names, a skill that can open doors and build lasting relationships. Learning the art of introductions with grace and poise will help you leave a lasting impact both personally and professionally. Good manners are the cornerstone of professional conduct, and this course will uncover their power to foster positive relationships. You’ll also discover the profound impact of giving and receiving sincere compliments, enhancing your rapport-building skills and team morale.

Lastly, equipping yourself with diplomatic strategies to handle uncomfortable situations with tact and professionalism will make you an indispensable asset in any workplace. Join us in this transformative journey and unlock the secrets to professional success. Your future self will thank you.

Course objectives:

  • Meeting, Greeting, and Small Talk: Develop the art of making a memorable first impression with confident greetings and engaging small talk.
  • Remembering Names: Acquire techniques to effortlessly recall and use names, a crucial skill for building strong relationships.
  • Introductions: Learn the art of introducing yourself and others with grace and poise, making a lasting impact in both personal and professional settings.
  • Good Manners: Discover the power of good manners as a cornerstone of professional conduct and a key to fostering positive relationships.
  • Giving and Receiving Compliments: Master the art of sincere compliments, enhancing your ability to build rapport and boost team morale.
  • Handling Uncomfortable Situations Politely: Equip yourself with diplomatic strategies to navigate challenging situations with tact and professionalism

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: September 17, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295


Book Module 4 Now


M o driscoll img | the polished professional™ | the british school of excellence

Unlock the door to a future brimming with confidence, success, and influential communication by registering for the program led by the esteemed voice coach, lecturer, and examiner, Michelle Nolan O’Driscoll. In this transformative journey, you’ll dive into the world of Excellence in Eloquence, where the mastery of speaking and writing becomes your most potent tool, propelling you forward both personally and professionally. Say goodbye to the fear of public speaking and hello to unshakable confidence as you learn to deliver your content with ease. With Michelle’s expertise, you’ll unlock the full potential of your voice through professional vocal techniques, mastering the art of delivery with captivating gestures and movement that connect and engage your audience.

But it doesn’t stop there – you’ll uncover the magic of words and learn how to wield them effectively, preparing, and structuring content for a myriad of occasions and purposes. As you build your confidence in promoting yourself and your work, you’ll not only captivate your audience but move them to take action. Michelle Nolan O’Driscoll’s masterclass is your gateway to becoming a dynamic, influential communicator, ready to conquer the world with your words. Don’t miss this opportunity to redefine your future and let your voice be heard.

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: September 24, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295

During Michelle’s Master Class, you will learn how to:

  • Enhance Speaking Skills: recognising that proficiency significantly boosts your success in various aspects of your personal and professional life.
  • Overcome Public Speaking Fear: Conquer the fear of public speaking, gaining the ability to approach speaking engagements with reduced stress and deliver content with poise and confidence.
  • Professional Vocal Technique: Unlock your full vocal potential through the mastery of professional vocal techniques, allowing you to harness the power of your voice effectively.
  • Master Vocal Delivery: Learn to complement your words with compelling gestures and movements, establishing a deeper connection with your audience and engaging them more effectively.
  • Harness the Power of Words: Discover the transformative potential of words and learn how to make them work in your favour. Develop the skills to prepare and structure content for a wide range of occasions and purposes.
  • Confidence Building: Build unshakable confidence in promoting yourself and your work. Develop the ability to inspire and mobilise your audience to take meaningful actions through your communication.


Book Module 5 Now



Confidence | the polished professional™ | the british school of excellence

Unlock the power of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) by joining our transformative Emotional Intelligence Masterclass. In today’s fast-paced world, EQ is not just a soft skill; it’s the key to personal and professional success. Throughout this masterclass, you’ll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, gaining essential skills that will enrich your life in countless ways.

You’ll learn to identify your feelings and needs through body awareness, enhancing your self-awareness and emotional control. By developing the ability to read others’ feelings and empathize with them, you’ll improve your relationships and communication skills. Furthermore, you’ll understand how to express your feelings effectively, whether through words or body language, leading to more authentic interactions.

Our masterclass also teaches you when to appropriately contain or communicate emotions, giving you the wisdom to navigate social situations with grace. Additionally, you’ll learn how to process and let go of emotions when necessary, allowing you to maintain emotional well-being.

Through this course, you’ll discover the art of self-acceptance and the beauty of honouring your own limits while celebrating your unique talents. Ultimately, our master class will empower you with the ability to give and receive love, fostering healthier connections with those around you. Join us and embark on a life-changing journey towards emotional intelligence mastery. Your personal and professional life will thank you.

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: October 1, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295 for Masterclass and £195 for a personalised assessment, including a private coaching session

Some of the Course objectives and learnings you will gain through attending this masterclass:

  • Develop Self-awareness:
  • Identify and define one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and goals.
  • Recognize the impact of these factors on oneself and others.
  • Enhance self-confidence through a deeper understanding of oneself.
  • Foster Self-regulation/Management:
  • Manage emotions effectively in various and changing situations.
  • Cultivate self-control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability, and innovation.
  • Learn to command internal states and maintain emotional equilibrium.
  • Motivate with Purpose:
  • Align personal drives with meaningful goals.
  • Cultivate achievement drive, commitment, initiative, and optimism.
  • Channel motivation towards positive outcomes and sustained achievement.
  • Cultivate Empathy:
  • Develop awareness of the needs, feelings, and concerns of others.


Book Module 6 Now


Business etiquette

Unlock the key to personal and professional success by registering for our upcoming masterclass centred around the DISC profile. By embracing the DISC model, you’ll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. You’ll identify your unique blend of four behavioural styles and gain profound insights into how to understand and adapt to the styles of others. The result? Enhanced communication skills pave the way for effective interactions and mutually beneficial relationships in every aspect of your life be it in team dynamics, sales, leadership, or personal relationships.

In our masterclass, we’ll also explore the fundamental principles of the DISC model. You’ll learn that all DISC styles hold equal value, and every one embodies a mix of these four styles. No style is superior to another, and your work style is influenced by factors beyond DISC, such as life experiences and emotional intelligence. Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself is the first step toward becoming more effective when collaborating with others.

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: October 8, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295 for Masterclass and £195 for a personalised assessment, including a private coaching session

Course objectives:

  • Understand What DISC Measures:
  • Gain insights into how DISC assesses observable behaviour and emotional traits.
  • Identify the key aspects of individuals that DISC sheds light on, including responses to challenges, influence, interaction styles, pace preferences, and adherence to structured environments.
  • Enhance Self-Awareness:
  • Develop a deep understanding of one’s unique tendencies as revealed by the DISC assessment.
  • Recognize how your behavioural style influences your communication, decision-making, and interactions with others.
  • Identify areas for personal growth and improvement based on your DISC profile.
  • Improve Interpersonal Communication:
  • Develop the skills to leverage DISC insights to navigate workplace dynamics, teamwork, and leadership effectively.
  • Use DISC as a resource for improving conflict resolution, problem-solving, and stress management.
  • Foster Effective Relationships:
  • Understand the role of adaptability in building and maintaining productive relationships.
  • Learn how to recognise and respond to the behavioural tendencies of others.
  • Use DISC as a tool to create harmonious and mutually beneficial connections in personal and professional spheres.

By the end of this masterclass, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the DISC model, be equipped with valuable self-awareness and communication skills, and possess the knowledge to apply DISC insights to enhance their personal and professional lives.


Book Module 7 Now


Download DISC Assessment Overview


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Are you ready to transform your dining experience into a symphony of sophistication and style? Join us for a Dining Etiquette Masterclass presented by the renowned Philip Sykes and embark on a journey to unlock the power of polished poise. Leave behind the days of confusion about which fork to use or how to navigate an elaborate place setting and embrace the confidence that comes with mastery.

Our Dining Etiquette Masterclass is not just about rules; it’s about understanding the why behind each etiquette nuance. From distinguishing your fish knife from your sauce spoon to savouring soup with finesse and choosing the right wine glass, we demystify the dining table. You won’t just know the rules; you’ll comprehend their significance.

But that’s not all! We’ll guide you through the entire spectrum of social dining, from mastering the art of accepting an invitation to delivering the perfect thank-you note. By the course’s end, you’ll radiate confidence at drinks parties, deftly introduce guests to each other, and seamlessly manage seating plans, toasts, and speeches. Elevate your dining experience, and step into a world of poised elegance with us. Join this masterclass and let your dining etiquette prowess shine!

Course objectives:

  • Table Manners Mastery: Develop a profound understanding of table manners, mastering the art of dining with elegance and confidence.
  • Dining Etiquette Dos and Don’ts: Learn the essential dos and don’ts of dining etiquette, ensuring you make a positive impression in any dining scenario.
  • Table Settings and Seating Plans: Navigate complex table settings and seating arrangements with ease, becoming the go-to expert for any event.
  • Poised Presence: Cultivate a poised and composed presence at the dining table, exuding confidence, and grace in all social situations.
  • Artful Conversation: Elevate your conversational skills, discovering the art of engaging and meaningful dialogue that enhances any dining experience.
  • Hosting and Guest Etiquette: Master the intricacies of both hosting and being a gracious guest, ensuring you leave a lasting impression as a courteous and charming dining companion.
  • Toasts and Speeches: Deliver toasts and speeches with confidence and finesse, adding a touch of sophistication to any occasion.
  • Cultural Dining Customs: Explore dining customs from around the world, fostering cultural sensitivity and adaptability, allowing you to dine confidently in diverse settings.

Duration: Two hours

Delivery: Presented live on Zoom

Date: October 15, 2024

Time: 5 pm to 7 pm UK time

Investment: £295


Book Module 8 Now


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The Polished Professional™

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Course Enquiry - The Polished Professional


All 8 modules


excl. VAT

Individual modules

£295 excl. VAT each
27 Aug - 15 Oct 2024

Secure your place today

The Polished Professional™

"Using the techniques I had learned on The Polished Professional™, I was offered and accepted a new position which came with a 37% increase in overall pay. I cannot recommend The British School of Excellence™ enough, their teachings have improved my life and the lives of the people around me in ways that cannot be measured."
Darren Carter

Upon completing all eight modules, you will receive a certificate from the CPD Standards Office in the UK and an ILM (Institute of Leadership) Certificate, part of City & Guilds in the UK. On completion of each module, you will receive a certificate of attendance from The British School of Excellence.

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